

除了 Flarum 核心提供的 默认命令,我们还允许扩展程序的开发者添加自定义控制台命令。

所有控制台命令开发都是在后端使用 PHP 完成的。 要创建自定义控制台命令,您需要创建一个类实现 \Flarum\Console\AbstractCommand

use Flarum\Console\AbstractCommand;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;

class YourCommand implements AbstractCommand {
protected function configure()
protected function fire()
// 逻辑实现!
use Flarum\Extend;
use YourNamespace\Console\CustomCommand;

return [
// 其他扩展器
(new Extend\Console())->command(CustomCommand::class)
// 其他扩展器



To register console commands, use the Flarum\Extend\Console extender in your extension's extend.php file:

use Flarum\Extend;
use YourNamespace\Console\CustomCommand;

return [
// Other extenders
(new Extend\Console())->command(CustomCommand::class)
// Other extenders

Scheduled Commands

The Flarum\Extend\Console's schedule method allows extension developers to create scheduled commands that run on an interval:

use Flarum\Extend;
use YourNamespace\Console\CustomCommand;
use Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Event;

return [
// Other extenders
(new Extend\Console())->schedule('cache:clear', function (Event $event) {
}, ['Arg1', '--option1', '--option2']),
// Other extenders

In the callback provided as the second argument, you can call methods on the $event object to schedule on a variety of frequencies (or apply other options, such as only running on one server). See the Laravel documentation for more information.