Ana içeriğe geç
Version: 2.x

Upgrading to 2.0 API Layer

This guide is meant to show examples of different scenarios that you might encounter while upgrading your JSON:API implementation from Flarum 1.x to 2.x.

API Layer From 1.x to 2.x (fof/drafts)

We will use the drafts extension as an example, the changes from this PR will be used as a reference for this section.

  • The 1.x compatible version of drafts has the following for its API implementation:
    • Controllers: CreateDraftController, DeleteDraftController, ListDraftsController, ShowDraftController, UpdateDraftController, DeleteMyDraftsController.
    • A serializer: DraftSerializer.
    • Command handlers: CreateDraftHandler, DeleteDraftHandler, UpdateDraftHandler.
  • The 2.x compatible version only has the following 128 lines ApiResource class:
    • DraftResource.

Lets go through the process of converting the 1.x version to 2.x.

Starting with the Serializer

The first thing we need to do is look at the fields (attributes and relationships) exposed from the serializer:

class DraftSerializer extends AbstractSerializer
* {@inheritdoc}
protected $type = 'drafts';

* @param \FoF\Drafts\Draft $draft
protected function getDefaultAttributes($draft)
return [
'title' => $draft->title,
'content' => $draft->content,
'extra' => $draft->extra ? json_decode($draft->extra) : null,
'scheduledValidationError' => $draft->scheduled_validation_error,
'scheduledFor' => $this->formatDate($draft->scheduled_for),
'updatedAt' => $this->formatDate($draft->updated_at),

* @return \Tobscure\JsonApi\Relationship
protected function user($draft)
return $this->hasOne($draft, BasicUserSerializer::class);

We have the following fields:

  • title (string)
  • content (string)
  • extra (array)
  • scheduledValidationError (string)
  • scheduledFor (DateTime)
  • updatedAt (DateTime)
  • user (one-to-one relationship)

We can already start filling these fields in the DraftResource class, all we know so far about these fields is that they are visible (serialized) and that they all directly point to the equivalent snake case model attribute.

We also know from the serializer that the type of this resource is: drafts and the model is Draft.

* @extends Resource\AbstractDatabaseResource<Draft>
class DraftResource extends Resource\AbstractDatabaseResource
public function type(): string
return 'drafts';

public function model(): string
return Draft::class;

public function endpoints(): array
return [

public function fields(): array
return [


Let's now look into the different endpoints, what fields they change and how they do so.

Creation endpoint

Starting with the creation endpoint (CreateDraftController and the logic in CreateDraftHandler).

class CreateDraftController extends AbstractCreateController
public $serializer = DraftSerializer::class;

public $include = [

protected $bus;

public function __construct(Dispatcher $bus)
$this->bus = $bus;

protected function data(ServerRequestInterface $request, Document $document)
$actor = RequestUtil::getActor($request);
$ipAddress = $request->getAttribute('ipAddress');

return $this->bus->dispatch(
new CreateDraft($actor, Arr::get($request->getParsedBody(), 'data', []), $ipAddress)

class CreateDraftHandler
use Scheduled;

public function handle(CreateDraft $command)
$actor = $command->actor;
$data = $command->data;
$attributes = Arr::get($data, 'attributes', []);


$draft = new Draft();

$draft->user_id = $actor->id;
$draft->title = Arr::pull($attributes, 'title');
$draft->content = Arr::pull($attributes, 'content');

$draft->extra = count($attributes) > 0 ? json_encode($attributes) : null;
$draft->scheduled_for = $this->getScheduledFor($attributes, $actor);
$draft->updated_at = Carbon::now();
$draft->ip_address = $command->ipAddress;

if (Arr::has($attributes, 'clearValidationError')) {
$draft->scheduled_validation_error = '';


return $draft;

trait Scheduled
protected function getScheduledFor(array $attributes, User $actor): ?Carbon
$scheduled = Arr::get($attributes, 'scheduledFor');

if ($scheduled && $actor->can('user.scheduleDrafts')) {
return Carbon::parse($scheduled);

return null;

If there was any validation we would take note of the rules for each field, in this case it's more straightforward, so what we know is:

  • The endpoint is only accessible to users with the user.saveDrafts permission. (safe to assume only logged-in users as well).
  • We are including the user relationship by default.
  • The user_id field is always the actor's ID.
  • The title field is a nullable string that can be set on creation.
  • The content field is a nullable string that can be set on creation.
  • The extra field is an nullable array that can be set on creation.
  • The scheduled_for field is an nullable DateTime only filled if the actor can schedule drafts, that can be set on creation.
  • The updated_at field is always the current time.
  • The ip_address field is the IP address from the request.
  • The scheduled_validation_error field is cleared if the clearValidationError attribute is present.

This leads us to the following changes on the DraftResource class:

* @extends Resource\AbstractDatabaseResource<Draft>
class DraftResource extends Resource\AbstractDatabaseResource
public function type(): string
return 'drafts';

public function model(): string
return Draft::class;

public function endpoints(): array
return [

public function fields(): array
return [
->writable(function (Draft $draft, Context $context) {
return $context->creating(self::class) && $context->getActor()->can('user.scheduleDrafts');
->set(function (Draft $draft, bool $value) {
if ($value) {
$draft->scheduled_validation_error = '';


public function creating(object $model, OriginalContext $context): ?object
$model->user_id = $context->getActor()->id;
$model->ip_address = $context->request->getAttribute('ipAddress');
$model->updated_at = Carbon::now();

return $model;

Update endpoint

Moving on to the update endpoint (UpdateDraftController and the logic in UpdateDraftHandler).

class UpdateDraftController extends AbstractShowController
public $serializer = DraftSerializer::class;

protected $bus;

public function __construct(Dispatcher $bus)
$this->bus = $bus;

protected function data(ServerRequestInterface $request, Document $document)
$actor = RequestUtil::getActor($request);
$ipAddress = $request->getAttribute('ipAddress');

return $this->bus->dispatch(
new UpdateDraft(Arr::get($request->getQueryParams(), 'id'), $actor, Arr::get($request->getParsedBody(), 'data', []), $ipAddress)

class UpdateDraftHandler
use Scheduled;

public function handle(UpdateDraft $command)
$actor = $command->actor;
$data = $command->data;

$draft = Draft::findOrFail($command->draftId);

if (intval($actor->id) !== intval($draft->user_id)) {
throw new PermissionDeniedException();


$attributes = Arr::get($data, 'attributes', []);

if ($title = Arr::get($attributes, 'title')) {
$draft->title = $title;

if ($content = Arr::get($attributes, 'content')) {
$draft->content = $content;

if ($extra = Arr::get($attributes, 'extra')) {
$draft->extra = json_encode($extra);

if (Arr::has($attributes, 'clearValidationError')) {
$draft->scheduled_validation_error = '';

$draft->scheduled_for = $this->getScheduledFor($attributes, $actor);
$draft->ip_address = $command->ipAddress;
$draft->updated_at = Carbon::now();


return $draft;

Still no validation, but if there was we would take note of it for each field, in this case it's more straightforward, so what we know is:

  • Only the draft owner can update the draft. (safe to assume only logged-in users).
  • The endpoint is only accessible to users with the user.saveDrafts permission.
  • The title field can be optionally updated (not required in this endpoint).
  • The content field can be optionally updated (not required in this endpoint).
  • The extra field can be optionally updated (not required in this endpoint).
  • The scheduled_for field can be optionally updated (not required in this endpoint).
  • The updated_at field is always the current time.
  • The ip_address field is the IP address from the request.
  • The scheduled_validation_error field is cleared if the clearValidationError attribute is present.

This leads us to the following changes on the DraftResource class:

* @extends Resource\AbstractDatabaseResource<Draft>
class DraftResource extends Resource\AbstractDatabaseResource
public function type(): string
return 'drafts';

public function model(): string
return Draft::class;

public function endpoints(): array
return [
->visible(fn (Draft $draft, Context $context) => $context->getActor()->id === $draft->user_id),

public function fields(): array
return [
->writable(function (Draft $draft, Context $context) {
return $context->creating(self::class) && $context->getActor()->can('user.scheduleDrafts');
return $context->getActor()->can('user.scheduleDrafts');
->set(function (Draft $draft, bool $value) {
if ($value) {
$draft->scheduled_validation_error = '';


public function creating(object $model, OriginalContext $context): ?object
$model->user_id = $context->getActor()->id;
$model->ip_address = $context->request->getAttribute('ipAddress');
$model->updated_at = Carbon::now();

return $model;

public function updating(object $model, OriginalContext $context): ?object
$model->ip_address = $context->request->getAttribute('ipAddress');
$model->updated_at = Carbon::now();

return $model;

Deletion endpoint

Onto the deletion endpoint (DeleteDraftController and the logic in DeleteDraftHandler).

class DeleteDraftController extends AbstractDeleteController
protected $bus;

public function __construct(Dispatcher $bus)
$this->bus = $bus;

protected function delete(ServerRequestInterface $request)
$actor = RequestUtil::getActor($request);

new DeleteDraft(Arr::get($request->getQueryParams(), 'id'), $actor)

class DeleteDraftHandler
public function handle(DeleteDraft $command)
$actor = $command->actor;

$draft = Draft::findOrFail($command->draftId);

if (strval($actor->id) !== strval($draft->user_id)) {
throw new PermissionDeniedException();

return $draft;

Usually, the deletion endpoint is the simplest one, in this case, we know that:

  • Only the draft owner can delete the draft. (safe to assume only logged-in users).

This leads us to the following changes on the DraftResource class:

* @extends Resource\AbstractDatabaseResource<Draft>
class DraftResource extends Resource\AbstractDatabaseResource
public function type(): string
return 'drafts';

public function model(): string
return Draft::class;

public function endpoints(): array
return [
->visible(fn (Draft $draft, Context $context) => $context->getActor()->id === $draft->user_id),
->visible(fn (Draft $draft, Context $context) => $context->getActor()->id === $draft->user_id),

public function fields(): array
return [
->writable(function (Draft $draft, Context $context) {
return $context->getActor()->can('user.scheduleDrafts');
->set(function (Draft $draft, bool $value) {
if ($value) {
$draft->scheduled_validation_error = '';


public function creating(object $model, OriginalContext $context): ?object
$model->user_id = $context->getActor()->id;
$model->ip_address = $context->request->getAttribute('ipAddress');
$model->updated_at = Carbon::now();

return $model;

public function updating(object $model, OriginalContext $context): ?object
$model->ip_address = $context->request->getAttribute('ipAddress');
$model->updated_at = Carbon::now();

return $model;

Listing endpoint

Lastly, the listing endpoint (ListDraftsController).

class ListDraftsController extends AbstractListController
public $serializer = DraftSerializer::class;

public $include = [

protected function data(ServerRequestInterface $request, Document $document)
* @var User
$actor = RequestUtil::getActor($request);


return Draft::where('user_id', $actor->id)->get();

In this case, we know that:

  • We are including the user relationship by default.
  • The endpoint is only accessible to users with the user.saveDrafts permission. (safe to assume only logged-in users).
  • We are only listing drafts that belong to the actor.

This leads to the following changes:

* @extends Resource\AbstractDatabaseResource<Draft>
class DraftResource extends Resource\AbstractDatabaseResource
public function type(): string
return 'drafts';

public function model(): string
return Draft::class;

public function scope(Builder $query, OriginalContext $context): void
$query->where('user_id', $context->getActor()->id);

public function endpoints(): array
return [
->visible(fn (Draft $draft, Context $context) => $context->getActor()->id === $draft->user_id),
->visible(fn (Draft $draft, Context $context) => $context->getActor()->id === $draft->user_id),

public function fields(): array
return [
->writable(function (Draft $draft, Context $context) {
return $context->getActor()->can('user.scheduleDrafts');
->set(function (Draft $draft, bool $value) {
if ($value) {
$draft->scheduled_validation_error = '';


public function creating(object $model, OriginalContext $context): ?object
$model->user_id = $context->getActor()->id;
$model->ip_address = $context->request->getAttribute('ipAddress');
$model->updated_at = Carbon::now();

return $model;

public function updating(object $model, OriginalContext $context): ?object
$model->ip_address = $context->request->getAttribute('ipAddress');
$model->updated_at = Carbon::now();

return $model;

Custom delete my drafts endpoint

The last endpoint we will cover is the DeleteMyDraftsController. This is a custom endpoint that deletes all drafts for the current user.

class DeleteMyDraftsController extends AbstractDeleteController
protected $bus;

public function __construct(Dispatcher $bus)
$this->bus = $bus;

protected function delete(ServerRequestInterface $request)
$actor = RequestUtil::getActor($request);


// from extend.php
(new Extend\Routes('api'))
->get('/drafts', 'fof.drafts.index', Controller\ListDraftsController::class)
->post('/drafts', 'fof.drafts.create', Controller\CreateDraftController::class)
->delete('/drafts/all', 'fof.drafts.delete.all', Controller\DeleteMyDraftsController::class)
->patch('/drafts/{id}', 'fof.drafts.update', Controller\UpdateDraftController::class)
->delete('/drafts/{id}', 'fof.drafts.delete', Controller\DeleteDraftController::class),

In this case, we know that:

  • The endpoint is only accessible to logged-in users.
  • The endpoint deletes all drafts for the current user.
  • This is a DELETE endpoint with the route /drafts/all and named fof.drafts.delete.all.
  • This endpoint is not specific to a single draft model.

To prevent this custom endpoint DELETE /api/drafts/all from conflicting with the existing one DELETE /api/drafts/:id endpoint, you should add the custom endpoint before the default delete endpoint.

This leads to the following changes:

* @extends Resource\AbstractDatabaseResource<Draft>
class DraftResource extends Resource\AbstractDatabaseResource
public function type(): string
return 'drafts';

public function model(): string
return Draft::class;

public function scope(Builder $query, OriginalContext $context): void
$query->where('user_id', $context->getActor()->id);

public function endpoints(): array
return [
->visible(fn (Draft $draft, Context $context) => $context->getActor()->id === $draft->user_id),
->route('DELETE', '/all')
->action(function (Context $context) {
->response(fn () => new EmptyResponse(204)),
->visible(fn (Draft $draft, Context $context) => $context->getActor()->id === $draft->user_id),

public function fields(): array
return [
->writable(function (Draft $draft, Context $context) {
return $context->getActor()->can('user.scheduleDrafts');
->set(function (Draft $draft, bool $value) {
if ($value) {
$draft->scheduled_validation_error = '';


public function creating(object $model, OriginalContext $context): ?object
$model->user_id = $context->getActor()->id;
$model->ip_address = $context->request->getAttribute('ipAddress');
$model->updated_at = Carbon::now();

return $model;

public function updating(object $model, OriginalContext $context): ?object
$model->ip_address = $context->request->getAttribute('ipAddress');
$model->updated_at = Carbon::now();

return $model;


Here are some ways we can improve the implementation and good practices that we should generally follow:

Visibility Scoper

We can add then use a visibility scope, which can be re-used inn different places or by other extensions without having to duplicate the logic.

class ScopeDraftVisibility
public function __invoke(User $actor, Builder $query)
$query->where('user_id', $actor->id);

class DraftResource extends Resource\AbstractDatabaseResource

public function scope(Builder $query, OriginalContext $context): void



We can also use a policy to handle the permissions logic, this can be re-used in different places or by other extensions without having to duplicate the logic.

class GlobalPolicy
public function createDrafts(User $actor)
return $actor->hasPermission('user.saveDrafts');

class DraftPolicy
public function update(User $actor, Draft $draft)
return $actor->id === $draft->user_id && $actor->hasPermission('user.saveDrafts');

class DraftResource extends Resource\AbstractDatabaseResource

public function endpoints(): array
return [
// no specific model is related to this endpoint,
// so this will go to the global policies
// equivalent to: $actor->can('createDrafts')
// this will go to the DraftPolicy for the related draft model.
// equivalent to: $actor->can('update', $draft)
->visible(fn (Draft $draft, Context $context) => $context->getActor()->id === $draft->user_id),



We can add additional appropriate validation rules to the fields, for example, the title field can have a maximum length of 255 characters as it is a varchar field in the MySQL database.

The content field can be changed to required, and have a maximum length of 65535 characters as it is a text field in the MySQL database.

class DraftResource extends Resource\AbstractDatabaseResource

public function fields(): array
return [



The drafts extension assumes that drafts will not exceed an unreasonable amount, but better be safe than sorry, we can add pagination to the listing endpoint.

class DraftResource extends Resource\AbstractDatabaseResource

public function endpoints(): array
return [
->paginate(20, 50), // default is 20 items per page, maximum is 50


Extending an existing API Layer

If you are using the ApiController or ApiSerializer extenders from 1.x, you can migrate the logic to using the ApiResource extender from 2.x, which uses the same field and endpoint definitions as shown before. For example, we have the following 1.x extenders:

Exposing Attributes

The following is a basic example from the fof/drafts extension:

(new Extend\ApiSerializer(CurrentUserSerializer::class))
->attributes(function (CurrentUserSerializer $serializer) {
$attributes['draftCount'] = (int) Draft::where('user_id', $serializer->getActor()->id)->count();

return $attributes;

(new Extend\ApiSerializer(ForumSerializer::class))
->attributes(function (ForumSerializer $serializer) {
$attributes['canSaveDrafts'] = $serializer->getActor()->hasPermissionLike('user.saveDrafts');
$attributes['canScheduleDrafts'] = $serializer->getActor()->hasPermissionLike('user.scheduleDrafts');

return $attributes;

The equivalent 2.x implementation would be:

(new Extend\ApiResource(Resource\UserResource::class))
->fields(fn () => [
->visible(fn (User $user, Context $context) => $context->getActor()->id === $user->id)
->countRelation('drafts', function (Builder $query, Context $context) {
$query->whereVisibleTo($context->getActor()); // visibility scope ;)

(new Extend\ApiResource(Resource\ForumResource::class))
->fields(fn () => [
->get(function (object $forum, Context $context) {
return $context->getActor()->hasPermissionLike('user.saveDrafts');
->get(function (object $forum, Context $context) {
return $context->getActor()->hasPermissionLike('user.scheduleDrafts');

Notice how for the draftCount attribute, we added the visibility check:

$context->getActor()->id === $user->id

because in 1.x the attribute was added to the CurrentUserSerializer.


Notice how instead of using a get accessor like this:

->get(fn (User $user, Context $context) => Draft::where('user_id', $context->getActor()->id)->count()

we used the relationship aggregate countRelation method which does the same but far more efficiently, without creating a query for each model in the response.

Saving data

In 1.x to save additional data for an existing model (like posts or discussions) you would listen to the Saving event of that model.

For example, this is how the fof/gamification extension saves the upvote or downvote:

// Frontend saving trigger
function saveVote(post, upvoted, downvoted) {
return[upvoted, downvoted, 'vote']);

saveVote(post, true, false); // upvoting
saveVote(post, false, true); // downvoting
saveVote(post, false, false); // removing vote

This would send the following payload:

"data": {
"type": "posts",
"attributes": [
"id": "199067"

The attributes value is not conventional and will not work in 2.0 which is stricter.

And would be saved through the following logic:

// Backend Listener
use Flarum\Post\Event\Saving;

public function handle(Saving $event)
$post = $event->post;

if ($post->exists()) {
$data = Arr::get($event->data, 'attributes', []);

if (Arr::exists($data, 2) && Arr::get($data, 2) === 'vote') {
$actor = $event->actor;
$user = $post->user;

$actor->assertCan('vote', $post);

if ($this->settings->get('fof-gamification.rateLimit')) {

$isUpvoted = Arr::get($data, 0, false);

$isDownvoted = Arr::get($data, 1, false);

$this->vote($post, $isDownvoted, $isUpvoted, $actor, $user);


In 2.0 doing this will not work, instead we need to add a new writable attribute that we can call vote and is hidden since we only need it to write data.

function saveVote(post, upvoted, downvoted) {
let action;

switch (true) {
case (upvoted && downvoted) || (!upvoted && !downvoted):
action = null; // remove vote
case upvoted:
action = 'up'; // upvoting
case downvoted:
action = 'down'; // downvoting

return{ vote: action });
->writable(function (Post $post, Context $context) {
return $context->updating()
&& $context->getActor()->can('vote', $post);
->in(['up', 'down'])
->set(function (Post $post, ?string $value, Context $context) {
if ($this->settings->get('fof-gamification.rateLimit')) {

$this->vote($post, $value, $context->getActor());

We highly recommend moving any logic you have within a saving event listener to a new writable API field. Unless your logic is mutating data without relying on new information from the API.


The following is a larger example from the fof/gamification extension:

// extend.php
return [

(new Extend\ApiController(Controller\ListUsersController::class))

(new Extend\ApiController(Controller\ShowUserController::class))

(new Extend\ApiController(Controller\CreateUserController::class))

(new Extend\ApiController(Controller\UpdateUserController::class))

(new Extend\ApiController(Controller\ShowDiscussionController::class))
->loadWhere('posts.actualvotes', [LoadActorVoteRelationship::class, 'mutateRelation'])
->prepareDataForSerialization([LoadActorVoteRelationship::class, 'sumRelation']),

(new Extend\ApiController(Controller\ListDiscussionsController::class))
->loadWhere('firstPost.actualvotes', [LoadActorVoteRelationship::class, 'mutateRelation'])
->prepareDataForSerialization([LoadActorVoteRelationship::class, 'sumRelation']),

(new Extend\ApiController(Controller\ListPostsController::class))
->addOptionalInclude(['upvotes', 'downvotes'])
->loadWhere('actualvotes', [LoadActorVoteRelationship::class, 'mutateRelation'])
->prepareDataForSerialization([LoadActorVoteRelationship::class, 'sumRelation']),

(new Extend\ApiController(Controller\ShowPostController::class))
->addOptionalInclude(['upvotes', 'downvotes'])
->loadWhere('actualvotes', [LoadActorVoteRelationship::class, 'mutateRelation'])
->prepareDataForSerialization([LoadActorVoteRelationship::class, 'sumRelation']),

(new Extend\ApiController(Controller\CreatePostController::class))
->addOptionalInclude(['upvotes', 'downvotes']),

(new Extend\ApiController(Controller\UpdatePostController::class))
->addOptionalInclude(['upvotes', 'downvotes'])
->loadWhere('actualvotes', [LoadActorVoteRelationship::class, 'mutateRelation'])
->prepareDataForSerialization([LoadActorVoteRelationship::class, 'sumRelation']),

(new Extend\ApiSerializer(Serializer\PostSerializer::class))
->attributes(function (PostSerializer $serializer, Post $post, array $attributes) {
$attributes['votes'] = $post->actualvotes_sum_value;

return $attributes;


// src/LoadActorVoteRelationship.php
class LoadActorVoteRelationship
public static function mutateRelation(HasMany $query, ServerRequestInterface $request): HasMany
$actor = RequestUtil::getActor($request);

return $query
// So that we can tell if the current user has liked the post.
->where('user_id', $actor->id);

public static function sumRelation($controller, $data): void
$loadable = null;

if ($data instanceof Discussion) {
$loadable = $data->newCollection($data->posts)->filter(function ($post) {
return $post instanceof Post;
} elseif ($data instanceof Collection) {
$loadable = (new Post())->newCollection($data->map(function ($model) {
return $model instanceof Discussion ? ($model->mostRelevantPost ?? $model->firstPost) : $model;
} elseif ($data instanceof Post) {
$loadable = $data->newCollection([$data]);

if ($loadable && $loadable instanceof Collection) {
$loadable->loadSum('actualvotes', 'value');

The equivalent in 2.x is a lot more simple and straightforward, but there are some crucial things to point out:

// extend.php
return [

(new Extend\ApiResource(Resource\UserResource::class))
->endpoint(['show', 'update', 'create', 'index'], function (Endpoint\Show|Endpoint\Update|Endpoint\Create|Endpoint\Index $endpoint) {
return $endpoint->addDefaultInclude(['ranks']);
->sorts(fn () => [
->visible(function (Context $context) {
return $context->getActor()->can('fof.gamification.viewRankingPage');

(new Extend\ApiResource(Resource\DiscussionResource::class))
->sorts(fn () => [
->endpoint('index', function (Endpoint\Index $endpoint) {
return $endpoint->eagerLoadWhere('firstPost.actualvotes', function ($query, Context $context) {
$query->where('user_id', $context->getActor()->id);

(new Extend\ApiResource(Resource\PostResource::class))
->fields(fn () => [
->sumRelation('actualvotes', 'value')
->endpoint(['index', 'show', 'create', 'update'], function (Endpoint\Index|Endpoint\Show|Endpoint\Create|Endpoint\Update $endpoint) {
return $endpoint->addDefaultInclude(['user.ranks']);
->endpoint(['index', 'show', 'update'], function (Endpoint\Index|Endpoint\Show|Endpoint\Update $endpoint) {
return $endpoint->eagerLoadWhere('actualvotes', function ($query, Context $context) {
$query->where('user_id', $context->getActor()->id);


Notice how we replaced the use of:

loadWhere('actualvotes', [LoadActorVoteRelationship::class, 'mutateRelation'])

with the mutation of the appropriate endpoints using the eagerLoadWhere method.


Notice how instead of converting to 2.x, we completely removed:

(new Extend\ApiController(Controller\ShowDiscussionController::class))
->loadWhere('posts.actualvotes', [LoadActorVoteRelationship::class, 'mutateRelation'])
->prepareDataForSerialization([LoadActorVoteRelationship::class, 'sumRelation']),

This is because in 2.x, the show discussion endpoint no longer tries to load the posts relation models, so it is enough to make such mutations to the list posts endpoint.


Notice how we replaced the use of:

->prepareDataForSerialization([LoadActorVoteRelationship::class, 'sumRelation'])`
$attributes['votes'] = $post->actualvotes_sum_value;

With the relationship aggregate sumRelation method which does the same but in a more readable and flexible way:

->sumRelation('actualvotes', 'value')

Additional Scenarios

Custom new model

The flags extension create a new flag model uniquely by the user and the post, the following is the 1.x implementation:

class CreateFlagHandler
public function handle(CreateFlag $command)
$actor = $command->actor;
$data = $command->data;

$postId = Arr::get($data, '');
$post = $this->posts->findOrFail($postId, $actor);

if (! ($post instanceof CommentPost)) {
throw new InvalidParameterException;

$actor->assertCan('flag', $post);

if ($actor->id === $post->user_id && ! $this->settings->get('flarum-flags.can_flag_own')) {
throw new PermissionDeniedException();

if (Arr::get($data, 'attributes.reason') === null && Arr::get($data, 'attributes.reasonDetail') === '') {
throw new ValidationException([
'message' => $this->translator->trans('')


$flag = Flag::firstOrNew([
'post_id' => $post->id,
'user_id' => $actor->id

$flag->post_id = $post->id;
$flag->user_id = $actor->id;
$flag->type = 'user';
$flag->reason = Arr::get($data, 'attributes.reason');
$flag->reason_detail = Arr::get($data, 'attributes.reasonDetail');
$flag->created_at = Carbon::now();


$this->events->dispatch(new Created($flag, $actor, $data));

return $flag;

In 2.x's ApiResource class, we can override the newModel method:

* @extends AbstractDatabaseResource<Flag>
class FlagResource extends AbstractDatabaseResource
public function newModel(Context $context): object
if ($context->creating(self::class)) {

return Flag::query()->firstOrNew([
'post_id' => (int) Arr::get($context->body(), ''),
'user_id' => $context->getActor()->id

return parent::newModel($context);

Setting a relationship

The flags extension sets a relationship between the flag and the post, the following is the 1.x implementation:

class CreateFlagHandler
public function handle(CreateFlag $command)
$actor = $command->actor;
$data = $command->data;

$postId = Arr::get($data, '');
$post = $this->posts->findOrFail($postId, $actor);

if (! ($post instanceof CommentPost)) {
throw new InvalidParameterException;

$actor->assertCan('flag', $post);

if ($actor->id === $post->user_id && ! $this->settings->get('flarum-flags.can_flag_own')) {
throw new PermissionDeniedException();

if (Arr::get($data, 'attributes.reason') === null && Arr::get($data, 'attributes.reasonDetail') === '') {
throw new ValidationException([
'message' => $this->translator->trans('')


$flag = Flag::firstOrNew([
'post_id' => $post->id,
'user_id' => $actor->id

$flag->post_id = $post->id;
$flag->user_id = $actor->id;
$flag->type = 'user';
$flag->reason = Arr::get($data, 'attributes.reason');
$flag->reason_detail = Arr::get($data, 'attributes.reasonDetail');
$flag->created_at = Carbon::now();


$this->events->dispatch(new Created($flag, $actor, $data));

return $flag;

The equivalent 2.x implementation would be:

* @extends AbstractDatabaseResource<Flag>
class FlagResource extends AbstractDatabaseResource
public function fields(): array
return [
->writable(fn (Flag $flag, FlarumContext $context) => $context->creating())
->set(function (Flag $flag, Post $post, FlarumContext $context) {
if (! ($post instanceof CommentPost)) {
throw new InvalidParameterException;

$actor = $context->getActor();

$actor->assertCan('flag', $post);

if ($actor->id === $post->user_id && ! $this->settings->get('flarum-flags.can_flag_own')) {
throw new PermissionDeniedException;

$flag->post_id = $post->id;

Custom listing query

When listing flags, the flags extension groups them up by post_id, but also sets the actor's read_flags_at field:

class ListFlagsController extends AbstractListController
public $serializer = FlagSerializer::class;

public $include = [

protected function data(ServerRequestInterface $request, Document $document)
$actor = RequestUtil::getActor($request);
$include = $this->extractInclude($request);


$actor->read_flags_at = Carbon::now();

$flags = Flag::whereVisibleTo($actor)

if (in_array('post.user', $include)) {
$include[] = 'post.user.groups';

$this->loadRelations($flags, $include);

return $flags;

We can accomplish this in 2.x through the scope method:

class FlagResource extends AbstractDatabaseResource

public function scope(Builder $query, OriginalContext $context): void

if ($context->listing(self::class)) {

public function endpoints(): array
return [
->defaultInclude(['user', 'post', 'post.user', 'post.discussion'])
->after(function (FlarumContext $context, $data) {
$actor = $context->getActor();

$actor->read_flags_at = Carbon::now();

return $data;

public function sorts(): array
return [


Custom find query

The core discussions support tag slugs, so the following api request is possible: GET /api/discussions/1-discussion-title?bySlug

This is done by overriding the find method:

* @extends AbstractDatabaseResource<Discussion>
class DiscussionResource extends AbstractDatabaseResource
public function find(string $id, \Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Context $context): ?object
$actor = $context->getActor();

if (Arr::get($context->request->getQueryParams(), 'bySlug', false)) {
$discussion = $this->slugManager->forResource(Discussion::class)->fromSlug($id, $actor);
} else {
$discussion = $this->query($context)->findOrFail($id);

return $discussion;


In 1.x the sortmap for discussions was stored on the container which you had to extend to add new sort options to:

// core code from: Flarum\Forum\Content\Index
class Index

public function __invoke(Document $document, Request $request)
$queryParams = $request->getQueryParams();

$sort = Arr::pull($queryParams, 'sort');
$q = Arr::pull($queryParams, 'q');
$page = max(1, intval(Arr::pull($queryParams, 'page')));
$filters = Arr::pull($queryParams, 'filter', []);

$sortMap = resolve('');

$params = [
'sort' => $sort && isset($sortMap[$sort]) ? $sortMap[$sort] : '',
'filter' => $filters,
'page' => ['offset' => ($page - 1) * 20, 'limit' => 20]

if ($q) {
$params['filter']['q'] = $q;

$apiDocument = $this->getApiDocument($request, $params);

return $document;

// extend.php
(new Extend\ApiController(Controller\ListDiscussionsController::class))

// custom provider
class CustomServiceProvider extends AbstractServiceProvider
public function register()
$this->container->extend('', function (array $options) {
return array_merge($options, [
'votes' => '-votes',
'hot' => '-hotness',

In 2.x you can achieve the same thing while adding the sort fields:

// extend.php
(new Extend\ApiResource(Resource\DiscussionResource::class))
->sorts(fn () => [

// core code from: Flarum\Forum\Content\Index
class Index
public function __construct(
protected DiscussionResource $resource,
) {

public function __invoke(Document $document, Request $request)
$queryParams = $request->getQueryParams();

$sort = Arr::pull($queryParams, 'sort');
$q = Arr::pull($queryParams, 'q');
$page = max(1, intval(Arr::pull($queryParams, 'page')));

$sortMap = $this->resource->sortMap();

$params = [
'sort' => $sort && isset($sortMap[$sort]) ? $sortMap[$sort] : null,
'page' => [
'number' => $page

if ($q) {
$params['filter']['q'] = $q;

$apiDocument = $this->getApiDocument($request, $params);

return $document;